Steph Smith
Randy Orton
Aaron Bayley
Justin Timberlake
Lee Ryan
Duncan James
Brad Pitt
David Beckham
Michael Owen
Frank Lampard

Duncan James

Brian Dowling
This hilarious Irishman was the best looking guy in the house I think. Despite being gay Brian won the hearts of the nation in 64 days to scoop the mega prize of £70,000. Brian used to be an air steward but has given that up now to be a SM:TV Live presenter.
We love you Brian!! 

Brian Dowling

Helen Adams
This bubbly blonde bombshell was seen as the thick one of the group but that was until it was revealed that she had dyslexia. The Welsh hairdesser found love in the house with Paul Clarke, who on her eviction night, presented her with a Gucci bag and shoes which are the things which she had always wanted. It was her ambition to own them and now she does.
Good luck Helen and Paul

Helen Adams

This series' favourite Brummie. Dean was seen as the father figure wheather he realised it or not. This only became apparent after Stuart left. Dean is a likeable character but not one of my favourites, sorry Dean!


Elizabeth was the mother character from Edinburgh (but didn't have a Scottish accent, wierd). I liked Elizabeth but found that she was boring at times but when she let her hair down towards the end she was quite good.


Paul Clarke
What is the fasination with Paul? I mean every girl I asked said that Paul was the best looking in the house, sorry Paul but I think you best stick to Helen. Paul's tone of voice annoyed me but when he told us the university story I was so filled up, that took some doing and was obviously upsetting for him.

Paul Clarke

Josh's body WOW. I liked Josh, when him and Brian had that meal in the bedroom and I couldn't stop laughing. Many people didn't like Josh after he revealed he was gay but I don't get why, he is the same person as when you didn't know he was gay. I think that coming in later on ruined his chances, the same happened with Claire in series 1 and Sophie and Tim in series 3.


I felt so sorry for Amma's mum finding out that her daughter was a stripper and a smoker on national television, that's so humiliating. The one thing that annoyed me about Amma was that orange blanket, she always had it wrapped around her. That is how I best remember her.


Bubble, poor Bubble, he spent most of his time sitting down after he hurt his leg. He was running to compete in the dancing task and ran straight into a chair, he went flying and skidded across the table. If that wasn't enough, Big Brother told Bubble that he could't put his daughters date of birth on the wall. It was Brians birthday close to that day as well and Brian was allowed to put 23 on the wall, well as you can imagine Bubble was furious, he had a rough time in the house but I liked him.


Narinder Kaul
Narinder was the house bitch with a bikini top a size too small for her. She had a pop at everybody no wonder why she was voted out so early. She did make one friend in the house, that was the softy Brian. Those two got on really well and were a shoulder to cry on for each other, they are still friends now.

Narinder Kaul

Stuart was best known for them rediculous contact lenses. Being the oldest in house he was looked up at for maturaty and some making sence, like a father figure even though he didn't want to be. I didn't really like Stuart, he wasn't much of a talker.


Penny Ellis
Penny was the origional mum of the group and she enjoyed it. You always would see her cooking, cleaning (a bad stereotype for us women). The other housemates picked up on this as well and Bubble confronted her and asked her to let the others help. I know you probably think this is impossible but I think Penny was too nice, she was putting on a face for the camera and tried to be nice to everyone to win votes but it didn't help one bit.

Penny Ellis