December's Award Winners
Best Page: Aaron Bayley
Best Picture: Steph and Aaron
Best Singer: Chris Park
Best Song: Blue and Elton John - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
Best Album: Gareth Gates - What My Heart Wants To Say
Best Video: S Club Juniors - Puppy Love
Best Looking: Gareth Gates
Worst Page: Contact Me
Worst Picture: Jamie Shaw
Worst Singer: Jade Goody
Worst Song:
Gareth Gates - Unchained Melody
Worst Album: 3SL (seeing as they haven't released one)
Worst Video: Blue - Too Close
Worst Looking: Kenan Rockmore
January's Award Winners
Best Page:
Big Brother 3
Best Picture: Enrique
Best Singer: Nicola
Girls Aloud
Best Song: Blue
and Elton John - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
Best Album: S
Club Juniors - Together
Best Video: Girls
Aloud - Sound Of The Underground
Best Looking: Matt
Le Blanc (Joey from Friends)
Worst Page: All
My Friends
Worst Picture: Gareth
Worst Singer: Jamie
Worst Song: One
True Voice - After Your Gone
Worst Album: Gareth
Gates - What My Heart Wants To Say
Worst Video: Blue
- Too Close
Worst Looking: Kenan
February Award Winners
Best Page:
Winnie The Pooh and Friends
Best Picture: Tigger
Best Singer: Strider
Blazin' Squad
Best Song: Blazin'
Squad - Reminisce
Best Album: Blue
- One Love
Best Video: Girls
Aloud - Sound Of The Underground
Best Looking: Kenzie
Blazin' Squad
Worst Page: Chinese
Worst Picture: Winnie
The Pooh
Worst Singer: Tommy
B Blazin' Squad
Worst Song: One
True Voice - Sacred Trust
Worst Album: S
Club Juniors - Together
Worst Looking: Rochelle
S Club Juniors
March Award Winners
Best Page: 6 Paks
Best Picture:
Adam Rickett
Best Singer:
Justin Timberlake
Best Song:
Justin Timberlake - Like I Love You
Best Album:
Blue - One Love
Best Video:
Blue - U Make Me Wanna
Best Looking:
Michael Owen