Steph Smith
Randy Orton
Aaron Bayley
Justin Timberlake
Lee Ryan
Duncan James
Brad Pitt
David Beckham
Michael Owen
Frank Lampard

Brad Pitt

Kate Lawler
Kate was one of my favourites in the house. She didn't seem false, she was acting to the camera's, she didn't backstab, she did her fair share of the housework. I can deffinatly see why she won. That chicken dance with Jonny was just the best even though I can't do it, hehe.
Well Done Kate!

Kate Lawler

Jonny Regan
Jonny is everyone's favourite fireman. I loved Jonny and I've met him. Can I just say one thing, he's the nicest man and he's the same in real life as he was in the house so anyone out there who thinks he was playing up to the camera's your wrong! Just because he watched one series doesn't mean he's an expert, I've watched all three and I still wouldn't be able to win.

Jonny Regan

Alex Sibly
This model will be remembered for a lot of things. He things that urinating in the shower is discusting, he talked to himself when cleaning his teeth (he was drunk), had a very good friend in Sandy and Tim and who can forget "That's The Way I Like It" behind the bedroom door. It was just fab. The door shut and at the same time the music started, if you haven't seen that bit then WHY, you've missed out I tell you.

Alex Sibly

Jade Goody
These 4 words, Am I A Minger?, made Jade the laughing stock of the house. She had a veruca and started crying and asked that, cheeky boy Jonny replied yes. The fact that Jade had a veruca also caused a big argument between her and Adele, I for one was screaming at the t.v. "Hit her Adele!!" But I do feel sorry for Jade, everyone thought she was thick and picked on her but she soon retaliated by talking about people behind their backs, Jade you nasty girl!

Jade Goody

Tim Cully
What a toff!! I did not like Tim one bit. He looked down his nose at everyone apart from Alex who he was ar*e licking. I don't have much to say on Tim apart from AARRGGHH!!!!!


PJ Ellis
PJ was best known for that night or craziness with Jade, I wonder what really happened? They both deny anything sexual but I bet they're just trying to cover it up. Even if they did have sex I'm not bothered so why don't they just admit it. I liked PJ, he was too quiet and he was too loud, just enough volume to be heard.

PJ Ellis

Adele Roberts
Can Adele breath properly yet? After that HUGH tongue of Alex down your throat it's going to be pretty difficult for a while. We never knew about Adele's lust for Alex until she made some shocking revelations, she's a virgin, she's bi-sexual then she had the hots for Lee, but when Lee rejected her because of Carmen, she gave up and started on Alex. I think if I got to know Adele a bit better I could make my mind up properly. She was portrayed as evil in the house but I don't think she is.


Sophie Pritchard
I felt so sorry for Sophie. Nearly everyone in the house talked about her. Jade, Adele and Tim did not like her one bit. She didn't do anything wrong as far as I could see. But they're all a bit stuffed now because she found true love in the shape of Lee. The happy couple are due to be married and I wish them all the best of luck for their big day.
Good Luck Sophie and Lee!


Spencer Smith
Most girls thought that Spencer was the hearthrob of the group but I don't think so. I don't know him but judging by what the other housemates said he smells. Spencer was lazy, I saw that with my own eyes, and he was rather quiet. He seemed a likable character until he said (out of the house) "I hope I never see her again," about Kate. That put me right off him.

Spencer Smith

Lee Davey
When I first seen Lee's audition video I thought WOW how fit and I wasn't wrong. I'm also in love with that Nike tatoo he has on his left arm with Lee writen next to it. He didn't seem too bothered about Adele being bi-sexual or a virgin but I think that inside Lee wasn't interested in Adele at all, he loved Carmen, that is until he met Sophie. I hope they spend the rest of their lives together and happy.


I couldn't stand Sandy. He didn't like it in the house one bit, I think it was because of the 20 year age difference he had between the other housemates. For one thing Jonny is not a Northern arogant tw*t, yes he's Northern but certainly not arogant and deffinatly not a tw*t. I was happy when he jumped the roof.


I quite liked Sunita. She seemed really nice but I can see why she left. You could tell that she wasn't happy in the house, she was struggling to keep up the pace which is why she left. I think she should have given it a bit longer but it was he choice.


Alison was one of my favourite's and I couldn't beleive that she left so early on. She was funny, talkative and always up for a laugh. She seems like a really good friend and I hope she keeps in contact with Kate and Jonny for a long time. It was really funny when she fell through the table though, £10,000 was the damage, oh my god!


"Your a bit of a cocky bugger aren't you for your age" were the words Lynne said to Spencer, even though she was drunk it lost her a lot of votes and she was named as Evil Lynne. She also walked in to the toilet knowing that PJ was on, as you can imagine PJ wasn't very happy with Lynne and nominated her.
