Josh Lascher
Josh Lascher is the manager of the coffee house - that's how him and Sabrina met. He likes Sabrina and Sabrina likes him but they don't get round to dating until Harvey and Morgan are out the way in season 6.
Valerie Birkhead
Valerie Birkhead is Sabrina's best friend in seasons 2-3. Sabrina made friends with her and Harvey on the first day back at school. She is not very confident but she is quite clever and is editor of The Westbridge Lantern.
Roxie King
Roxie King is Sabrina's roomate and her best friend in college. She is a bit of a rebel and moody. She hates springtime and morning but she is usually a good friend to Sabrina.
Morgan Cavanaugh
Morgan Cavanaugh is one of Sabrina's other roomates. She is a bit of an airhead and definately popular with the boys. She has had long term relationships with both Josh and Harvey. She is in the Mu Pi Sororitity.
Miles Goodman
Miles Goodman is another roomate. He is obsessed with the paranormal but he doesn't seem to realise Sabrina is a witch. He believes in stuff like aliens. He doesn't have much luck with girls though. He is considered a bit of a geek.
Mr. Kraft
Mr Kraft is principal at Westbridge High. He is mean, horrible and only likes First String Cheerleaders like Libby and first string football players. In Season 2, he dates Hilda and is seasons three and four he goes steady with Zelda.