Steph Smith


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Tommy Pickles
Tommy Pickles, leader of our intrepid band of Rugrats, is intelligent, courageous, compassionate and articulate. He also happens to be one year old, which gives him an endlessly interesting perspective on life. Stu and Didi Pickles do their best to coddle their oldest child. But as Tommy says, "A baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do." Under the not so very watchful eyes of the grown-ups, he leads his Rugrat friends on expeditions to unravel the great mysteries of life -- like "Where does the light go when the refrigerator door is closed?" To Tommy Pickles, the world doesn't always make sense, but it makes an incredible amusement park.

Tommy Pickles

Dil Pickles
He's cute.  He's sweet.  He's troublesome.  He's the littlest Rugrat.  He's Dil Pickles!  
Dil is the newest member of the Rugrats group.  He's just a few months old, but he's managed to annoy Phil and Lil, exasperate Angelica, confuse Chuckie, and become the new baby brother of Tommy!  However, over time, Dil has managed to become all (well, almost all!) of the Rugrats friends.  Now that Dil's been introduced to the Rugrats, they'll never be the same without him! 

Dil Pickles

Chuckie Finster
In every crowd there's a worrywart, and among the Rugrats it's Charles Finster, Jr. Tommy's best friend Chuckie is a likable two-year-old scaredy cat who sees monsters in every closet and worries about a hundred ways things can go wrong. Tommy's adventurous schemes often reduce Chuckie to shivers "M-m- maybe this isn't such a good idea," he'll suggest, as the Rugrats are off to sneak into the dark and dank garage. But since Chuckie also hates being left behind, he trudges along warily. And in the process, he often surprises himself with the courage he summons up. Like his dad, Charles Sr., Chuckie never forgets that every silver lining comes with a cloud attached.

Chuckie Finster

Phil and Lil Deville

Phil and Lil DeVille are twins. Not only do they look almost exactly alike (except for the telltale bow Lil wears in her hair), they think alike too. When one of them starts a sentence, you can be sure the other will finish it. This mindreading, when it works, works well. When it doesn't work, though, Phil and Lil can get into some pretty cranky arguments. But when the twins are getting along, they really pull the Rugrats together as a team. They can even convince Chuckie to join in Tommy's adventures! If Tommy's the captain, then Phil and Lil are the cheerleaders who are always ready to jump into the game.

Lil and Phil Deville (from left)

Angelica Pickles
She's tempestuous. She's tyrannical. She's three. Tommy's cousin Angelica is a Rugrats alumna who can talk both to grown-ups and toddlers. She manipulates her parents, shows off for strangers  -- and when she comes to play, the Rugrats run for cover. "You stupid babies!" she bellows as she bullies them into playing by her rules. "You don't know anything!" she screams as she terrorizes them with "true" stories from her imagination. Even worse, she forces them to sit still for her off-key, lyrically mangled musical numbers. Beneath her cold, hard exterior beats the heart of a true spoiled brat. But  however cleverly devilish her schemes, somehow Angelica always seems to get the worst of it.

Angelica Pickles

Susie Carmichael
Tommy and the Rugrats look up to their friend Susie Carmichael. She posseses the kind of wisdom you can only get from experience. After all, she's three. Susie is the child of an overachieving mother (French chef, airline pilot and doctor) and a cartoon-writing dad (the famous Dummi Bears series.) Susie's energetic, optimistic, and quick to offer friendly advice and reassurance to an overwrought Rugrat. But she's also a little kid. Even a small catastrophe can send her into a momentary tantrum. Susie stands for what's right --- which often puts her right in Angelica's way.

Susie Carmichael

Grandpa Lou Pickles, Tommy's paternal grandfather,is the classic, cantankerous, old geezer. He lives with his new wife Lulu at a retirement home, but often acts as a convenient baby-sitter for the babies when Stu and Didi are busy. Grandpa is indulgent with the kids. As such, he is almost more of a "Rugrat" than an adult -- functioning as a bridge between the world of kids and the world of the grown-ups. As much as the Rugrats love the old guy, they are never above taking advantage of one of Grandpa's long naps or mesmerizing television marathons to sneak away on an adventure.

Lou Pickles (Grandpa)

Drew Pickles
Although he's clean-cut with short, neat hair and glasses, Stu's older brother Drew looks otherwise identical to him. The similarity, however, between the two ends there. While Stu is an absent minded inventor, Drew is a staid investment banker with a somewhat lackluster imagination. Stu and Drew often backslide into immature sibling rivalry, forcing Grandpa to break up their petty arguements the way he did when they were children. Drew fiercely loves his three-year-old daughter Angelica, who he believes to be a Shirley Temple-like cherub. He wishes he could spend every second with his little darling, and is completely unaware of the monstrous bully she becomes when he turns his back.

Drew Pickles

Charlotte Pickles
Just what does Charlotte Pickles do for a living? As she explains to her daughter Angelica: "A corporation is like a big, hungry monster. My job is to find plenty of smaller, weaker monsters for it to eat." Never out of her business suit, Charlotte has a cellular phone permanently affixed to her ear, through which she wheels and deals with high-powered honchos, sheiks, and her long-suffering assistant, Jonathan. She'd be lost without her sister-in-law Didi, who is willing to babysit for Angelica at all hours. Feeling a bit guilty about her workaholic ways, Charlotte lavishes gifts on her daughter, which is just fine with the spoiled Angelica.

Charlotte Pickles

Didi Pickles

Even the bravest, smartest leaders of our time--including Tommy Pickles--have moms. Tommy's mother, Didi, is as devoted as they come. In fact, she gets so wrapped up in learning how to be a good mom that half the time she ends up losing track of her son. Fortunately for Tommy, this gives him more time for his adventures. With all of Tommy's adventures, you'd think Didi would be the most worried mom in the world. But he's usually back before she knows it.

Didi Pickles

Stu Pickles

One look at Stu Pickles, Tommy's dad, and it's easy to see where Tommy got his imagination. Well, maybe it takes more than one look. At first Stu seems pretty absentminded. But Stu invents toys for a living, so he must have something going on upstairs (or downstairs, since he builds the toys in his basement). And since Stu spends most of his time in his own world, Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Angelica have plenty of room to roam!

Stu Pickles


Talk about unsung heroes! Tommy's dog, Spike, has helped the Rugrats through more adventures than he can count (if he could count, that is). Spike doesn't have any magical powers, and he doesn't seem to do anything all that amazing, but looks can be deceiving. Spike watches over the Rugrats more closely than Stu, Didi or Grandpa. And he's always willing to get his paws in the action when it comes to adventures.
