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Saved By The Bell

I love this program so here are some info on the main characters.

Zack Morris
Zack is the self proclaimed king of his own world. During the show Zack often even calls "times out" so that he may explain his take on things. Saved by the Bell in many ways is the world though the eyes of Zack Morris. Zack has many problems and adventures daily in his life as a teenager. He pursues Kelly Kawpowski, the head cheerleader that he seems destined to be with forever. He is pronounced homecoming king while she is pronounced home coming queen. Zack does break up with Kelly from time to time, and considers marrying her. Zack attends college with Screech, AC Slater, and Kelly. The rest of the Saved by the Bell gang could not join them in the college years unfortunately.
        Zacks Schemes: Zack schemes to have someone pretend to be his dad, and pretend to be someone from Harvard. Zack even plans a surprise birthday party in the principal's office. If it can be done Zack will try it.Zack has troubles finding time to be with his dad as his dad is constantly busy. Zack on one occasion even resorts to calling his own dad on the phone while he is in the next room just to get some time to talk with his dad.

        Zack pursues women for sport and seems to make the art of pursuit a science. When Zack discovers he has scored a 1502 on his SAT's he talks Belding into putting him in easier classes so he can resort to more "self educational" matters.

Zack Morris

AC Slater

A.C. is but a nickname that Albert Slater uses, in fact he is known as A.C. Slater to everyong exclusively except for his dad who still knows him as Albert. A.C. enjoys the joys of competition in wrestling, basketball and in other sports. A.C. beats his wrestling rival who taunts him after he takes up cooking and gives up wrestling. After Screech wrestles in his place, A.C. returns to showcase his skills as a wrestler. A.C. also helps a female wrestler at Bayside which makes Jessie greatly jealous.A.C.'s dad has instilled in his son a constant desire to be in the army and continue the tradition his father begun. A.C. does not like this idea and has difficulty telling his father of his desire to use a wrestling scholarship rather than enter the army. Zack helps Slater to tell his dad about his belief and talks his dad into watching A.C.'s championship wrestling match.

Growing up A.C. states that he moved around a lot and had few friends because of this. He considers Bayside his home, and the Max the hangout of choice. He proves inspriational in saving the Max during a phone telethon to raise money after everyone has fallen asleep.A.C. constantly walks a fine line as he choses his conduct and words in front of his opinionated, feminist girlfriend Jessie Spano. A.C. constnatly bets with Zack and helps watch as Zack's schemes either succed or fail.

AC Slater

Samuel "Screech" Powers

Screech, is the head of Bayside's insect club, miniature golf club, and chess team. He serves as leader of the "geeks." Screech has known few girlfriends, although his friend Zack tries to help hook him up on many occasions. Zack even invents a secret admirer for Screech and dresses up as a girl to pose as a make believe girlfriend of Screech's. Screech finds one girl, Violet to be his one true love after all his time pursuing Lisa has earned him nothing. Violet proves inspirational as Screech beats a Russian exchange student in chess.Screech constantly follows the schemes of Zack. In many ways Screech is Zack's apprentice. Screech pretends to be Zack on one occaison to take out Mr Belding's Neice so that Zack can tend to other matters. Screech goes under water to take pictures of Bayside's female swim team.

Screech enjoys science, and once even tutors Kelly. Screech is the ultimate accident prone man. If a thing can cause an accident Screech will have an accident. Screech trips, falls, and embarasses himself all the time.

Samuel "Screech" Powers

Kelly Kapowski

Kelly is the proverbial popular girl. She is head chearleader, has the physical features of a model, and the desires of all the men around her. She represents the traits of beauty, fashion, peer pressure, and the ideals of the "air head as well." In the 80's Kelly was the picture many had in their minds when the term air head is brought up. While she is not blonde, her demeaner and the groups she associates make her the realization of the ideal "air head." Kelly is the popular girl all guys love to want, and all girls love to hate.Kelly on one occasion watches as Slater and Zack compete for her. She can't decide who to take to a dance it seems. Kelly falls for the newest pretty face at her job, Jeff. She gives away her interest by requesting a diet lips to drink.

Kelly is athletic enjoying volleyball, and her position as head chearleader. Kelly is the embodyment of school spirit for Bayside. For someone whose world revolves around High School such seems quite logical.

Kelly Kapowski

Jessie Spano

Jessica Spano is the ultimate feminist on the Saved by the Bell Show. This is greatly ironic considering after the show she went on to gain fame in the movie Showgirls. Jessie has one step brother that is shown in the series on only one occasion. Jessie enjoys the comfort and confidence she gains in A.C. Slater's presence. This too is ironic considering Jessie's feminist nature and Slater's reputation as a jock.Jessie stands up for envioronmental causes and helps to stop an oil company from drilling at Bayside. While generally opposed to stereotyes, she falls in line more with that of a jock than a prom queen. During one episide an ROTC (Registered Officers Training Corps) official pits Bayside into two groups. Jessie serves with the jocks.

Jessie worries about college. Her valedictorian nature, and Bayside School Presidency it seems pales in comparison to Zack's 1502 score on the SAT's. On one occasion Jessie so obsesses with doing well in school that she resorts to sleeping pills which she becomes addicted to.Jessie becomes upset when her dad plans on marrying a far younger bride, an aerobics instructer. She plans to avoid the wedding, but Zack and the gang finally talk her into attending.

Jessie on the show appears to be confident in opinion always, and serves as a person that knows her place in the world. But in reality the contradictions in her character showcase how confused and without purpose Jessie truly is. Maybe this would explain the shift to stripping in Showgirls?

Jessie Spano

Lisa Turtle

Lisa takes up after her mom in many ways. Lisa does volunteer to help sick people at the hospital her mom is a nurse at. Lisa is the gossip queen, and even runs a gossip show on Bayside's school radio station. Lisa also works as a phone teen counseler for troubled teens on the school's teenline.Lisa enjoys fashion, and often heads the prom committee. She once maxes out her credit cards a bit too much while on a shopping spree that went to far. Lisa constantly fights off Screech's advances, but ultimately gives in and allows Screech one date with her. Screech grows tired of her constant talking during a movie and dumps her. Lisa it seems can not stand being dumped by anyone even Screech.

Lisa provides a sense of diversity to Saved by the Bell that few preppy shows that have followed have. She is the ultimate black princess which prevents the show from falling into the realm of just another white preppy show as Beverly Hills 90210 is.

Lisa Turtle